Hey there, John here. If you’ve landed on this page you’re probably wondering what kind of relationship we have with the products we promote. So I wanted to take a minute to be crystal clear about my role as an affiliate marketer, and the goal of Course Investigator.

After seeing so many clowns post trash courses for outrageous prices, I set out to create a site that honestly reviewed online courses, and genuinely pointed people in the right direction to the best product for their needs.

I’ve personally spent hundreds of hours pouring through courses, tools, and services to craft helpful reviews that guide people like you to a clear path towards success.

When you click on a link and purchase a product I recommend, I can receive a commission for that sale at no additional cost to you.

Sometimes you’ll even save money through exclusive deals and discounts we negotiate with our partners. This is how I am compensated for my time, and this is how the Course Investigator can continue to stay online.

While not ever link on this website is an affiliate link, you should assume that all links that leave this site are affiliate links. You should expect that I will earn a commission if you follow links from my site and purchase.

With that being said, Course Investigator aims to maintain an extremely high level of quality when it comes to our affiliates. We have turned down very lucrative deals because it went against the core mission of this site: To provide the most accurate and honest course reviews, and provide a clear path for anyone looking to make an income online.

You can always send me a message if you have any questions via out contact form.


– John
AKA The Course Investigator